Youth Description Essay

Total Length: 930 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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A Concise Description of Youth

Who exactly is a youth? Are there specific traits that distinguish a youth from an adult or a child for that matter? These are the questions that immediately come to mind when one attempts to come up with a concise definition of "youth." From the onset, it is important to note that the term youth does not have an assigned definition. In that regard therefore, "youth" as a term could mean different things to different people. For some, youth is the period after childhood. For others, however, youth is that period coming immediately after or preceding adulthood. In this text, I will take a different approach in an attempt to describe youth. Instead of reviewing existing literature in search of the numerous definitions that have been applied to the term, I will largely concern myself with features or characteristics of youth. However, for guidance purposes, youth will be hypothesized to be that period immediately after childhood but before adulthood. My approach in this case is largely founded on the fact that it would be difficult to pinpoint a specific age range that could be a true representative of the term "youth." This discussion will largely be founded on my individual reflections and observations.

Youth: An Assessment

The characteristics and features of youth in this case will be argued on the basis of challenges encountered, biological and physical changes experienced, mindset of subjects, and emotional traits members of this age range exhibit.

1. Challenges Encountered

Challenges that youths face are rather unique. This is to say that such challenges do not typically affect other groups that are yet to enter the youth phase or those past that age range. One challenge youths routinely encounter is peer pressure. In basic terms, peer pressure is that strong desire to conform to group norms. It essentially emanates from the tremendous pressure members of a group exert on their colleagues in an attempt to erase their individualism and replace it with group mentality. Those who yield to peer pressure could be coerced into abusing drugs or engaging in violence. It is not uncommon for those who refuse to adhere to group norms to be ridiculed, reprimanded, or even punished. Next, it is common for those in this age range to experience what is refereed to as identity crisis. It is important to note that as they transition from childhood and adulthood, those who happen to be in this age range experience radical changes in terms of the roles they are supposed to play, their responsibilities, etc. To some, this could be overwhelming.

2. Biological and Physical Changes

Further, as individuals transition from childhood to adulthood, they certainly do experience a wide range of changes. Some of these changes are largely visible while….....

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