Yellow Back Radio Broke Down by Ishmael Reed Term Paper

Total Length: 837 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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yellow back radio BROKE-DOWN


Yellow Back Radio Broke-down is a highly interesting piece of fiction that introduces readers to deeper aspects of black narrative and exposes him to a freedom of style that was hitherto missing from African-American literature of 20th century. But this free-flowing style of writing matches the main purpose of the novel i.e. To attack institutionalization of everything from culture to literature to religion. In his book, Reed exposes the problems that arise from restricted thinking and dogmatic religious beliefs. But these problems are attributed solely to white society and its false beliefs of supremacy. In his novel, Reed attacks the white society and culture and mocks everything that it believes in including institutionalized Christianity. The author thus maintains that white people have no right to feel superior when even their religion is powerless against the animistic religions of ancient African. By turning his protagonist into a hoodoo trickster, the author is not merely illustrating the power of magic but actually demystifying the myths surrounding the white society and religion. In short, Reed mocks and subverts every illusion of white superiority while at the same time, promoting and endorsing black culture and values. The author creates two opposite forces in the novel. Atonists like Drag Gibson and Pope represent the whites while the protagonist represents everything that Atonists oppose including freedom in religion, art and literature.

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We come across numerous examples of author's attempts to dismantle white superiority and instead establish black supremacy. For example, in one instance Loop Garoo Kid, the protagonist uses his black magical power to thwart a woman's attempts to seduce and over power him. The Atonist gang leader's wife is the kind of woman who has the power to subdue her opponents but Loop Garoo doesn't come under her spell as he uses his ancient mojo spells to make himself impervious to her sexual charm. An Atonist attests to the powers of the protagonist when he reports: "The Kid put some kind of a cross on her, had some kind of gris dolls placed in her transmitter and the Woman had to sign off and get out of town" (129). Another clear example of black domination can seen in the instance where Pope expresses his inability to overpower Loop Garoo or destroy his powers:

When African slaves were sent to Haiti, Santo Domingo and other Latin American countries, we Catholics attempted to change their pantheon, but the natives merely placed our art alongside theirs. Our insipid and uninspiring….....

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