Xm & RIAA the RIAA Case Study

Total Length: 1634 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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23 Blue sheet

Info, Societal, Political, Legal -- w / # from Blue sheet]

Alt market + Nonmkt [6 + 7]

analysis Mkt reactions

Select strategic action [8]

Is it legal and ethical?

Selected? (Yes / No / Wait)

Implementation of strategic action for " each" strategy [9]

Provide details of what you will do to achieve your objective(s)

Id strategy by its # [Identify facts, figures, #s, outside sources}


1. Gather more legal information

2. Get a clearer picture of the RIAA's end game

3. Talk to Sirius, suppliers to see what they are doing

Societal Strategies

1. Launch PR campaign

2. Develop media relations campaign as well

Political Strategies

1. Donate to Congress campaigns to increase influence

2. Build coalitions

Work with FCC to determine status of the Inno device

Legal Strategies

1. Deflect lawsuit long enough to see what the product is actually going to be worth

2. Go directly to the FCC to work on this issue, bypassing the RIAA entirely if need be






Legal, yes; ethical, no





Talk to legal team, order research

Talk to RIAA more, try to ascertain their motives

Talk to Sirius CEO, and to device suppliers

Formulate plan, broadcast it to XM customers first

Formulate plan, be ready for when the issue hits the press

If money is available, target "free speech".....

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"Xm & RIAA The RIAA", 31 October 2011, Accessed.29 June. 2024,