WTO Law WTO and International Research Paper

Total Length: 865 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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It has also been noted that growing interdependency in world economies has led to a decreased ability to rule for many national governments, and the WTO actually assists in this regard, as well (Pauwelyn, 2003; Jackson, 2006). The WTO relieves certain burdens of governing and alleviates certain diplomatic pressures by providing extra-national means of developing and conducting inter-state trade, which can ease relationships between states in many ways (Jackson, 2006). Providing a specific avenue for states to approach each other and develop trade and other agreements also provides an obvious boon to interstate relationships.


Liberal institutionalism quite confidently explains and even predicts the efficacy of the WTO in terms of its strengthening of international law and its easing of relations between states, and in fact the WTO can be seen as the quintessential organization evidencing the tenets of liberal institutionalism. Unlike many other breeds of liberalism, liberal institutionalism incorporates many realist elements such as the ultimately selfish or self-interested actions and perspectives of nation-states, but at the same time asserts that international organizations can be effective at fostering international cooperation and in promoting long-term mutually beneficial relationships that might involve compromises or short-term losses and appear more altruistic (D'Anieri, 2011).

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By creating a system of transparency and with clear economic -- i.e. realist-based -- goals, directives, and powers, the WTO provides precisely such a means of greater cooperation, and the greater integrity and efficiency of international relationships is exactly the result predicted by the theory of liberal institutionalism (D'Anieri, 2011).

Conflict between states is unavoidable, but when there are organizations and institutions in place to help coordinate efforts the chances for conflict are minimized, and when there is a clear, direct, and objective means of conflict resolution available the fallout of such conflict is likewise mitigated (D'Anieri, 2011). The WTO provides both the guidance and the conflict resolution expected of an effective international body, thus according to this line of reasoning there should be little surprise that the WTO has led to a reduction in uncontrolled conflict and an increase in interstate relationships and progress......

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