Workplace Can Prove to Be Essay

Total Length: 709 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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From the HR perspective, all employees should be treated equally, regardless of extenuating circumstances. To do otherwise but create legal risk for the company. Thus, the first step is to here the complaint out and if a formal complaint is filed, an investigation will need to be conducted. In this situation, the human resources department needs to remain neutral in the dispute, so it is important that the process be as professional as possible. However, it is important to the company that it not be used as a pawn in the conflict, because that not only creates bad blood but it sets a poor precedent and costs the company money.

Thus, during the initial contact the HR department should be professional. However, the issue should be delayed for a short while, and the wife brought back to discuss the issue with HR before taking any further steps in the investigation. It is likely that the move to file a complaint was taken in an emotional moment or otherwise out of spite.
The employee should be made to understand clearly that there are legal risks if her allegations are proved false. There should be elements of company employment policy that prevent abuse of company resources or dishonesty and these should be pointed out. If the complain proceeds, then a full investigation should take place. It is not the role of human resources to get involved in this dispute, but HR should work to protect the interests of the company. This may involve removing one or more of the couple from their jobs. Either there was sexual harassment or the wasting of company resources on a false complaint, so whatever the result of the investigation the full details should be logged so that it can be included in the disciplinary hearing that is likely to result from these workers involving the company in their dispute.


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