Workplace Conflicts Essay

Total Length: 697 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Work Environment and Conflict Resolution

The team is expected to give guidance to the security organization when they are switching from a full in-house security team to a partial in-house and partial contract security model. This change within the organization needs to be conducted efficiently in order for it to be effective. There are key factors in the work environment that have to be addressed in order for the change process to be effective. Creating a work environment in which employees are productive is quite essential when it comes to increasing the profits for the organization. The factors that have to be considered in the new department include the office environment. The actual physical layout of the new department is important when it comes to maximization of productivity. The employees have to feel comfortable hence, there is need to ensure that the working area is conducive in terms of space. Another thing is setting of goals within the new department. With the changes there is need to set goals for employees in order for them to work hard towards achieving those set goals.
Realistic objectives will help in ensuring that timelines and the quality of work are combined. Another thing is giving disciplinary guidelines because creation of disciplinary guidelines is instrumental when it comes to fostering a productive work environment. After all, motivation does not always have to be positive. If the workers will not be faced with consequences for performing poorly then the margins of productivity can go down (hrVillage, 2008).

In any work environment there are bound to be conflicts. In the multiple accepted models of conflict the conflict is normally broken down into various stages therefore, it is of benefit to the organization to ensure that they recognize the basic stages of conflict since an understanding of the dynamics is what lead to a resolution that is easy and last longer. The recommended conflict resolution model would be interest-based relational approach. This conflict resolution respects individuals differences while at the same time helping people avoid being cornered in a fixed position.

A conflict resolution process….....

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