Workplace Conflict Management Techniques Essay

Total Length: 547 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Louis PD

Police departments can be stressful places to work. There are many internal stressors, such as dealing with co-workers, the politics of the job, or workplace issues such as lack of support. Then there are external stressors -- the job by its nature puts officers in contact with violent people and dangerous situations. There are many areas of conflict that can arise. These might include interpersonal conflict that arises when there are differences between two people, power conflict when people seek to maximize their power at the expense of others, and values conflict, where the values of people differ in a way that creates opposition. There are many environmental conflicts as well -- external pressure from the city (who runs the department) or from the media, or members of the community. Consider the pressure put on members of nearby Ferguson Police Department -- the external environmental pressure can be intense and lead to significant conflict between different members of the force.

External conflict usually arises during specific incidents. Media and public pressure builds quickly, and creates a tense, hostile environment for those working in the department. People within the department might take differing views of a contentious incident, in such a way that the external pressure has led to internal conflict.

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Even something like budgetary pressures can create conflict internally because scarce resources usually create the perception of a zero sum game among department members.

Internal conflict arises naturally as the result of interpersonal conflict, competing interests, different philosophies and other differences. Internal conflicts are sometimes easier to resolve, because of the lack of an external third party actor. Managers who recognize the existence of conflict can intercede. One of the options is mediation, where the manager hears both sides of the dispute and renders a ruling. This technique leverages the formal authority of a senior officer, and can keep the conflict focused on the issues, not the people. Sometimes when a conflict lacks outside mediation, the issue becomes personal for those involved, which makes resolution much more difficult. The department may perhaps even benefit from specialized officers in conflict resolution, using techniques like re-focusing, mediation and others to ensure that disputes are settled on the basis of issues, that they do not become personal in nature, and that disputes are legitimately brought to a resolution. Having a skilled expert in charge of this negates the variability that can….....

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