Women's Issues Women's Education in Thesis

Total Length: 686 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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While in 1971 only 22% of Indian women were literate, by the end of 2001 54.16% female were literate. The growth of female literacy rate is 14.87% as compared to 11.72% of that of male literacy rate (Women's Education in India, n.d.).

Women's education in India has played a very important role in the overall development of the country. It has not only helped in the development of half of the human resources, but in improving the quality of life both inside and outside the home. Educated women tend to promote education of their girl children while providing better guidance to all their children. Furthermore educated women can also help in the reduction of infant mortality rate and growth of the population. Gender discrimination is still a major problem in India and lot more needs to be done in the field of women's education in India.
The gap between the males and females in literacy rate is just a simple indicator of the problems that abound. Current prejudices, low enrollment of girl child in the schools, engagements of girl children in domestic works and high drop out rate are major obstacles in the path of making all Indian women educated (Women's Education in India, n.d.).

As globalization occurs it is likely that the education gap between the men and women in India will shrink. In order for a country to be successful in the world marketplace it is important that they tap into all of their resources. This includes those of human resources, both men and women. Many studies have shown that having an education society leads to greater economic successful for a country as a whole. This is an idea that India will more than likely embrace as time.....

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