Winston and 1984 Liberation From Essay

Total Length: 635 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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His sexual liberation is viewed as a step toward liberation from the Party because it is a step back toward human nature and real human ideals like Truth and Beauty -- remnants of a Past, which the Party attempts to subvert and/or erase.

Winston begins to explore his natural human urges in 1984 by pursuing his sexual appetites among the proles. The Party attempts to control the proles, however, despite their natural inclinations. The Party controls the classes through propaganda of scarcity. Scarcity is a motif that Orwell uses to show how the Party controls and manipulates the proletariat -- the proles. The Party relies heavily on propaganda, and scarcity is one of its propaganda lies: there is not really any scarcity; it is only another fabrication to convince the proles that they must conserve and rally behind the government in these times of scarcity. Concern for preservation supplants their desire for procreation. Duped into believing that they are lacking in consumer goods, they really show that what they are lacking in is intellect and spirit and the freedom to pursue either.

But, of course, since God is dead in the modern world -- a premise upon which Orwell constructs his world (because it is, essentially, the Party line), God cannot play a part in Oceania in 1984. The Party serves as a symbol of a world without grace and without spiritual ideals. Winston's attempt to find something meaningful, or to forge a meaningful relationship with a woman, fails to come to a good end because the Party does not allow it to develop -- because it is pro-slavery and anti-liberation. The image is one of blockage and constipation. Winston's pilgrimage to something higher is stunted and he himself is turned back to where O'Brien wants him to be -- which is a slave to the Party.

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Orwell, G.….....

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