Western Civilization What Exactly Was Term Paper

Total Length: 393 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Clergy swore loyalty to the state. The Constitution also vowed to improve education (Halsall, 1998).

The Constitution was favorable to Napoleon because it gave him the legal authority to control the central government and authority over the French provinces. But the freedoms given to the common people proved tenuous, as in 1800 Napoleon prohibited unrestricted speech and freedom of the press as well as free elections when he declared himself emperor. In 1804, Napoleon instituted his most famous piece of legislation, the Napoleonic Code, which gave all Frenchmen equality under the law and property rights, abolished privileges given by birth, and created the civil service system.

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This Code replaced the earlier Constitution as Napoleon was now emperor. However, although the Constitution and the subsequent Code set the legally egalitarian, socially bourgeois, and administratively bureaucratic tone of all later French life subsequently, Napoleon mainly used French law to garner popular good will, and his ultimate source of power was his charisma and military authority (Halsall, 1998).


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