West Side Story Sociology Sociological Term Paper

Total Length: 1295 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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We see how their membership in the class and racial group has power over their attitudes and actions. At the time of this film, they were contemporary, but the film was true to the times, so they are now historically correct also. The social mores and customs are well depicted in the forms of dances and music and in the morality of the time. Maria's dress for the dance must have a certain propriety about it, with a proper hem and neckline. She dresses in white to symbolize purity. Anita, a married woman, can dress in red, as she has more freedom and need not be chaperoned. Maria's age, innocence and single status require a chaperone.

Family is very important in this film, as family connections are used as reasons for action. However, the family structure of the Puerto Rican culture is the main focus, and its very Catholic cultural attitudes. The gender roles are extremely well defined for both groups, though Maria crosses them when she steps in to settle arguments and to supply the resolution at the end.

Social roles in this movie follow accepted norms of the time and are patterned after the original Shakespearean roles. Maria has immigrates to become betrothed by a previous arrangement between the parents. Anita, a married aunt, is charged with protecting her honor. The dance substitutes for a coming out party, and Maria is to be formally presented to her betrothed. The role of male protector comes in the form of the leader of the Sharks, Bernardo. Tony is the symbol of upward mobility from the poor white lower class. He goes to night school, works and stays out of trouble. He is making it. However, his friends in the Sharks feel abandoned, even though he still comes around and helps them out. Both groups are at the bottom of the economical social heap, and some, like Tony, are struggling to raise their status.

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Crime is depicted as a necessity of low economic social status as lack of something positive to do. However, the film makes fun of the stolid and rigid bureaucracy in the form of Officer Krupke. Most of the crime we see is not serious, but the idea of robbing Tony's boss crosses the line. It will hurt Tony, who was a member of the group and is still best friends with the leader, Russ. However, other gang members rationalize that Tony left and is no longer a member, and not deserving of protection. It is pointed out that the owner of the store has always been good to them and does not deserve this treatment, which makes sense.

Other divisions in this film are those separating authority, police and the system, from the people, both Puerto Rican and white. The Officers discriminate against all the gang members, but even more so against the Puerto Ricans. The officers are actually hoping the gangs will simply destroy each other and rid them of the problem of policing them. Tony is almost a bridge between all the various factions, as is his employer. He is no longer a gang member, so he is a law abiding citizen, though Officer Krupke expects him to slide. Anita is the go-between for him and Maria. One main resolution in the movie is to show how little difference there really is between the members of the two gangs......

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