Web Sources for History the Term Paper

Total Length: 1065 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Also, unlike the other website, this location had some distractions on the page. There were a lot of pop up ads that were annoying and had nothing to do with the subject of depression. The advertisement on this site was too excessive and I think that it got in the way of my searching. As I mentioned earlier, since this is a cliff note sight, it has tons of information unlike the previous website that I went to earlier. The information on the depression was broken down into sections unlike the other web page. For example, on this site there was The Politics of Conservatism: 1920 -- 1928 that the researcher could click on if they wanted to go in depth and find out the political setting during the time of The Great Depression. The Roaring Twenties and the Jazz Age: 1920 -- 1929 was another section that a person could click on which would have been extremely helpful because then we could find out what was the entertainment culture like on the eve of The Great Depression. This sort of gives the researcher the pre-quel glimpse of life before the stock market crash. It also had the Conservative Backlash: 1919 -- 1929 and the Onset of the Depression: 1928 -- 1932. These are helpful areas to click on and a big help for anyone that is doing research because the information gives a very thorough sight of what started The Great Depression and why it was so devastating.

This website is extremely helpful because it provided the table of contents as mentioned above.
Unlike the previous website that I went to before this one, you can navigate all over the page and not have to search any further, due to the loads of material on this website. I would say that this site is broader with heaps of narrow information where the other website is was even narrower and just provided a more specific aspect about The Great Depression which was the farming life during that era. The information about farming was mediocre because there was not enough material of this subject. It is obvious that a researcher could grab a few points from this website, but unfortunately would have to search elsewhere if they are looking for more intensity. On the other hand, the current website was not boring because there was so much to read. However, like the previous site, it lacked picture or symbols that would give it that show and tell texture. This show and tell feature would probably only be beneficial to a person that is more visual when it comes down to wanting to see what they read. The site was well written and there were no grammatical errors that could pull you away from the reading.

In conclusion, both websites serve their purpose; one has a more in depth nature to it while the other has a wider avenue to explore. However, both lacked the picture impression to them because there were no pictures that relate to the subject of The Great Depression. In the end, even though both are like night and.....

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