Wave of Feminism Took Place Term Paper

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This is similar to third wave thinking; however, post modern feminists tend to embrace academic writing and academic feminism, and third wave feminists generally reject academic feminism (Frederick, 2004). In addition, postmodern feminists are considered more grounded in theory, and very specific with regard to their intent and vocalizations, whereas third wave are also seen as appealing more to the masses (Frederick, 2004; Tong, 1998). Postmodern feminism is also viewed as embracing the idea of 'disruptive sexuality' without analysis (Frederick, 2004).

People say that Feminism is messier today (third wave) than in the first and second wave because feminists have complicated the very nature of feminism. In the second wave women were dealing with traditional things such as basic human rights, but now most women don't know what is happening. Women already have many basic freedoms thus don't know where to turn. Feminists in the third wave still attempt to appeal to the masses, but many have different views of what feminism is and what it is not.

In addition, during the third wave it is often difficult for women to categorize themselves, as in modern society men and women are no longer characterized as they have been in times of old. Before for example, people could say that women were the care givers, but now women are considered many different things.
You can't treat gender by itself without looking at class.

The third wave is also different because many feminists within this wave hold varying beliefs about feminism and what it entails exactly and do not agree among themselves with regard to the feminist ideology or primary focus of feminism. There are many contradictory ways of thinking that comprise the third wave, making it difficult to discern what exactly the primary focus of this wave is. There is no one standard view of what feminism is or is not according to modern feminists, making interpretation of the movement challenging. Feminism is already well entrenched in society, which has actually led some women to be less involved and entrenched in the feminist movement (Frederick, 2004)......

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