Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient You Are Essay

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Water: An Overlooked Essential Nutrient

You are a Registered Dietitian, and you have been invited to a Lunch and Learn program at a very large law firm. The firm must make a decision about which company they will select for a year long beverage contract. The lawyers must choose water, Gatorade, or PowerAde. Of the 55 attorneys attending your presentation, 32 of them workout regularly for 1 hour five days out of the week.

The firm has requested that you address all of the questions mentioned in the introductory paragraph while creating a handout that compares water, Gatorade, and PowerAde on the following categories:

Daily recommendations

Daily recommendations for water are an average of 3.7 liters (125 oz) for men about 2.7 liters (95 oz) for women. Some individuals who have higher than average fluid and electrolyte needs may need more (GSSI).

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Athletics' Trainers Association have both cautioned athletically active people against allowing thirst to be their guide for rehydration. Thirst is not a good indicator of hydration status of the body's fluid levels, and both these groups recommend that athletes and individuals engaging in exercise drink, before, during, and after exercise and other active occasions (such as recreation or physical work) (GSSI).

As regards the sports drinks, Gatorade and PowerAde, they have no specific daily recommendations but can be drunk whenever the individual is thirty (Gatorade FAQ) and should be drunk during sports and hard physical activity.

Nutrient content

Nutrition Data (online) rates bottled water as being "very low in sodium fat, cholesterol, and sodium"

The nutrients of PowerAde consists of water, high fructose corn syrup, salt, potassium citrate, Phenaylaline, sucralose, sodium citrate, Malic Acid, Potassium phosphate, and vitamin B (Associated Content)

Some Gatorade flavors use brominated vegetable oil as a stabilizer, whilst Gatorade Thirst Quencher contains water, sucrose (table sugar), dextrose, citric acid, natural flavor, sodium chloride (table salt), sodium citrate, monopotassium phosphate, and flavoring/coloring ingredients (29). 240 ml of Gatorade Perform 02 contain 50 calories, 14 grams of carbohydrates, 110 mg sodium and 30 mg potassium.

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Gatorade has a sucrose-dextrose mix, whilst G2 and G2 Natural are sweetened with PureVie, and extract of the Stevia plant (Gatorade.com FAQ).

The nutritional information of both variously are:

PowerAde: serving size 8 fl oz; calories 70; fat 0g; sodium 55mg; potassium 30mg; total carbs 19g; sugars 15g; protein 0g; vitamin b6 10%; vitamin b12 10%; niacin 10%

Gatorade: 8 fl oz; calories 50; total fat 0g; sodium 110mg; potassium 30mg; total carbs 14g; sugars 14g

PowerAde has added vitamins (which are not a necessity); Gatorade, on the other hand, has fewer calories. Gatorade contains sucrose and glucose-fructose, whilst PowerAde contains High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and maltodextrin (glucose polymers) (Associated Content)


Water is free. The cost of bottled water varies, although most bottled waters are cheaper than either of the sports drinks.

Prices of Gatorade and PowerAde vary between country, product, flavor and the stores in which they are sold. Generally, they range from 99 cents and can average $1.50.

Safety levels

Water, being natural, is safe. Contaminated water can, however, be harmful and drinking too much water, a rare circumstance, can lead to a rare disease (GSSI). Water is, in fact, important in that it stabilizes the body's temperature, lubricates and cushions joints, protects spinal cords and other sensitive parts of the body, and ejects waste through urination (HHS & USDA. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005).

Since Powerade contains high fructose corn syrup which is considered controversial, Gatorade, containing sucrose and glucose-fructose for simple sugars, is considered somewhat safer (Associated Content)

Both sports drinks, however, contain a standard 8 ounce servings of sodium therefore both PowerAde and Gatorade meet the FDA requirements of low sodium (Powerade - The BevNET.com Review).


Water naturally comes in one variety, but bottled water comes in numerous variations gathered from various springs, streams, lakes and so forth around the world. There is also tap water, mineral water, soda water, and carbohydrated water to add to the mix.

Regarding Gatorade and PowerAde,.....

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