War in Heaven John Milton's Paradise Lost Term Paper

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Paradise Lost

In John Milton's Paradise Lost, Milton tells of Satan's banishment from Heaven.

The entire event is first relegated to a handful of verses from the Christian bible book of Isaiah, and apocalyptic imagery from the books of Revelation. Milton applied his poetic license to the setting, characters, and motives in order to expand the setting and give his readers a humanized perspective of these events. Through the tapestry of his poem, Milton searched for meaning for his own tormented life and answers to questions such as the nature of men, and the reason for evil in the world.

Because Satan and his brigade plotted war against God, they are now doomed to billow in the fiery pits of hell. Satan is a complex character. Like Milton himself, Satan wrestled with his demented nature which was bent on self-destructive behavior. Milton used the exaggerated dimensions of Satan's persona in order to wrestle with his own desire for goodness while living seemingly trapped in a person bent on evil. Milton created Satan with heroic qualities, such as leadership, but the creature also is trapped in bitterness which unknowingly guides his behavior into continuing his conflict with God. He was unable to win a war directly with the Almigthy, so he continues his conflict through Adam and Eve.

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If Satan cannot have heaven, and there are still a majority of angels on god's side, then he will take Adam, Eve and as many humans onto his side as a way to repay God for Satan's humiliating defeat.

The relationship between Satan's qualities and Hell's atmosphere are linked by Milton. Without Satan's features and Hell's tormenting aspects, the place would not be all it is. Milton states that one will "dwell in….....

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