Vulnerability Comes As a Result of an Essay

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Vulnerability comes as a result of an interaction between the resources accessible to persons as well as communities and the life challenges they go through. Vulnerability emerges from developmental challenges, individual inabilities, underprivileged social status, insufficiency of interpersonal networks as well as supports, dishonored neighborhoods along with environments, as well as the intricate interactions of these aspects over the life course.


Special Populations in relation to Healthcare analyzes the notion of vulnerable populations as well as associations between social, political, as well as economic circumstances as well as the tendency that brings about the rise vulnerability (Burkholder & Nash, 2013). Matters of gender are as well pertinent in that there has commonly been an overlook of women's drug use/tribulations in the so called drug field. There have emerged numerous instances of unsuitable sweeping statement of study on men to the circumstances of women. For instance Jellinek (1952) founded his disease model of alcoholism on feedback form done by 98 male persons of Alcoholics unidentified. The statistics from women were somehow discarded specifically for the reason that they were so dissimilar from those of men. Such studies solely on men have every now and again been applied to argue that male orientated services are supposed to be sufficient.


According to Broom & Stephens (1990), those women who are into drugs are considered doubly unexpected within a patriarchal society. This can turn out to be extra domineering rejoinders to their drug use. The most dominant case in point of this situation is the manner in which various pregnant women have been positioned under deep observation and have even under gone prosecution as well as imprisoned for the reason that they drug use and perceive dissipation of their actions in connection to their unborn child.
Scores of domestic violence protection have a guiding principle against accepting drug- affected women, and yet several survivors of the said (domestic violence) turn to drugs as a way of coping.


Socio-economic standing, age, as well as duration of time in the U. S are connected with substance use as well as substance use disarrays amongst Hispanic/Latina women. Of fastidious apprehension, the 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey established a mounting pervasiveness of alcohol as well as other drug use amongst adolescent Hispanic/Latina females. It has also been established that inaccessible employment, marital status, as well as educational level as some of the impact of alcohol consumption as well as substance use amongst Hispanics/Latinas. In a research assessing racial/ethnic disparities amongst women with co-occurring psychological as well as substance use disorders, it was established that Hispanic/Latina women possessed important social vulnerability characterized by subordinate socioeconomic as well as exposure to violent crimes, not forgetting elevated level of criminal justice association (Burkholder 2013)

Culture and Ethnicity


Ethnicity is, in part, dogged by the cultural outlooks, way of life, ideals, customs, as well as customs of a specific ethnic faction to which a person belongs. Quick social, economic as well as technological revolution may perhaps, under definite conditions, deteriorate the bond of family as well as diminish the logic of belonging to some individuals, groups as well as places. Constancy of relationships, environment as well as outlook is an influential force in assisting people takes care of their lives, particularly significant for children as well as young adults. In other cultures, the conventional predicament of harmonizing discipline….....

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