Virtual Museum Tour the Louvre Term Paper

Total Length: 758 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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The site does an apt job of offering the viewer a virtual tour, a tour that transcends the limitations of language. The virtual tour can only be conducted in English or French. However, the tour is so visually-oriented as to eliminate any potential language barriers. Therefore, recommendations regarding the creation of a virtual tour include economical accessibility. QuickTime enables such universal access to visual data, via a "video of astonishing quality," (Apple QuickTime).

In addition to QuickTime technology, graphic imaging technology and software like Adobe Photoshop may be necessary for the completion of a sophisticated virtual tour such as the Louvre's. While the QuickTime movies provide a vibrant three-dimensional view of individual rooms in the museum, the static graphics are straightforward and can also be viewed by users who do not have QuickTime installed on their computers. All developers need to be aware of the potential limitations of their audience's computer applications and must make simpler alternatives for taking a virtual tour.

Finally, the virtual tour includes good web design in general.
For the virtual tour to be accessible and easily navigable, designers must arrange objects on the page with respect the basic rules of design. Frames, text boxes, font, color, and titles all contribute to the overall view-ability of the virtual tour. Web viewers will not have the patience to navigate through a virtual tour that is not intuitively designed.

In sum, the Louvre Museum in Paris maintains a virtual tour on their main website that is media-rich, easy-to-use, and inviting. The Louvre virtual tour employs QuickTime technology, graphic imaging software, and web design software. Anyone interested in developing a virtual tour, whether of a museum of a college, would do well to follow the example of the Louvre.


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