Variables Impacting Internal Validity in Program Evaluation Case Study

Total Length: 823 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Internal Validity

Is maturation a possible threat to the internal validity of the study? Why or why not?

For measures of academic achievement, six months (which is the intended length of the study) is not a long enough period of time to be very concerned about maturation as a threat to internal validity. Most academic achievement tests have longer durations. Maturation is something to be considered because of the varying ages of the study participants, and the fact that we know children's brains mature at different rates and some mathematical concepts are not understood until the human brain does mature to certain levels. Moreover, since the boys will move in and out of residency, their exposure to other reading instructions methods and tutoring cannot be controlled.

Is history a possible threat to the internal validity of the study? Why or why not?

Yes. History is the occurrence of some unanticipated event, such as the revelation about the director lying on his resume about attending school and being found out. History is generally not a threat to internal validity in a two-group experimental design since it is unlikely to be of sufficient magnitude to impact the outcome for the entire single group. However, the nature of the historical event could have direct bearing on the attitudes of the boys towards school and learning.

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3. Is testing a possible threat to the internal validity of the study? Why or why not? No. Both groups will experience the same testing schedule and type of tests, so the pre-test variable is not a threat to the internal validity.

4. Is instrumentation a possible threat to the internal validity of the study? Why or why not?

Yes. Any change to the way that the dependent variable is measured can be a threat to internal validity. Since the investigator is planning to measure GPA while the boys are in school differently from when the boys leave school (by asking them to report it following receipt of a letter), a threat to internal validity does exist.

5. Is selection bias a possible threat to the internal validity of the study? Why or why not?

Yes. Unless the selection of participants achieves a randomly selected sample, selection bias is a very real threat to the internal validity of the study. The participants in the study should be assigned to their groups through random selection, yet the investigator is planning to enlist the boys who have performed the most poorly….....

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