Utopia, Thomas More Presents His Term Paper

Total Length: 587 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Lastly, the abolition and non-subsistence to the principles of capitalism leads to the reinforcement of a communal society. This also eliminates the emergence of class conflict as a result of the inherent class division that develops from capitalism.

The moral philosophy of the Utopians is primarily based on intellectual development and achievement of reason or rationalization. For them, virtue is the achievement of the common good through the equal provision of the "foods of the mind." For the author, virtue is achieved when there is human happiness, and happiness is generated through acquired knowledge and skills in life. Thus, the provision of basic education services is imperative among Utopians in order to inculcate in the minds of the children the greater meaning of virtue and feelings or emotions among human beings. Thus, virtue and happiness is only achieved when the individual is able to discover his/her true self and able to realize his/her potentials and limitations as an thinking and rational being.

As explicated earlier, More subsists to the belief that rationalization of the society is an essential in order to achieve a life of genuine fulfillment. The first step towards achieving the genuine life is to obtain an education, even the most basic one, in order to truly understand the realities that human beings experience in their natural and social environments. Upon obtaining education, it is then the individual's task to further his/her knowledge by interacting with his/her society, which, in the process, leads to the application of his/her knowledge and skills. The individual's ability to interact and communicate clearly to the society results to social harmony and unity, which ultimately leads to the feelings of happiness not only in the individual, but within society as well......

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