Use of Enterprise DBMS Term Paper

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Enterprise Database Management System

This master's level paper discusses The Use Of Enterprise Database Management System and outlines the ways in which an enterprise DBMS may be used by a Government contracting Company to expand its business. The paper also highlights the attracting features and functionality offered by a DBMS.

The Use Of Enterprise Database Management System

Every organization in the world today stores, retrieves and manages colossal amount of data. The best way for an organization to manage data is to use Database Management Systems. The DBMS is a complex software system, which constructs, expands and maintains the database. It also provides the link, or interface, between the user and the data in the base. The ability to store and access great amount of data in an efficient manner is being used to refine and improve activities at strategic, tactical and operational levels. For example, a Government Contracting Company, which is working with other contracting companies, may uses enterprise DBMS in marketing. With the help of DBMS, database marketing in retailing would be well developed.

While dealing with numerous other companies, a Government Contracting Company would have to be very particular about credit analysis, fraud detection, targeted marketing, banking and many other applications. Here, an enterprise DBMS could prove to be extremely useful for the organization. The three most attracting features of a Database Management System are as follows,

Centralized data management,

Data independence, and Systems integration (Gopal Gupta, Advantages Of Using A DBMS).

DBMS renders the interface between the application program and the data. If the Government Contracting Company plans to expand its business, then a DBMS would make the data representation for the users and the developers a lot easier. If any changes are made to the data representation, the metadata maintained by the DBMS would automatically be modified and the DBMS would persevere to render data to application programs in the usual manner. "Hence, unlike previous databases the DBMS handles the task of transformation of data wherever necessary" (Gopal Gupta, Advantages Of Using A DBMS).
The independence provided by the DBMS between the program and the data is referred to as data independence.

Data independence can easily be understood by firstly considering its opposite. Applications that were implemented in the older systems were very much data dependent. The way the data was physically represented in the secondary storage and the techniques employed in accessing it, were both dictated by the requirements of the application under consideration, and moreover that knowledge of the physical representation and the access technique were built into the application code. Gopal Gupta in his article states that, "Data independence is important because every time some change needs to be made to the data structure, the programs that were being used before the change would continue to work. To provide a high degree of data independence, a DBMS must include a sophisticated metadata management system" (Gopal Gupta, Advantages Of Using A DBMS). Hence, this feature would considerably be useful to the Government Contracting Company. The employees working in the organization would not have to trained again and again if any changes were to be made to the data structure, since the applications employing it would continue to work in the previous way. Hence, the Government organization would not have to invest financially in order to train its workers.

If the organization were to expand its business on the web, then every click of the customer may be recorded in the database with the help of an enterprise DBMS. Hence, the enterprise DBMS would prove to be both responsive, timely and mission critical to uphold the corporate objectives. Expanding the business on the web would result in a lot of incoming data, since many people would be accessing a particular application at a time. Hence, the two attracting features of an enterprise DBMS that would really come in handy for an organization that is expanding business on the web, are scalability….....

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