U.S. Troops From Iraq: An Term Paper

Total Length: 1365 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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S. To quit Iraq, sectarian genocide (or some lesser form of mass murder would ensue. As prediction, this warning is highly plausible, given the incipient balkanization of mixed Iraq neighborhoods and the great profusion of blood let therein. As ethics, the warning rests on the unstated premise that America has an obligation not to abandon Iraq to genocide (Steorts, Jason Lee, 2007, p. 43)."

From a U.S. perspective, to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq would silence the detractors, the anti-war sector, but it would be harmful to the U.S. In many other ways, especially on an international level. The U.S. would lose credibility with those countries that the U.S. has assured we would not leave Iraq in desperate straits. It would not serve the U.S. well on an international level as a credible world leader to withdraw American forces from Iraq and leave the country vulnerable and susceptible to every manner of radical force that is represented by those people in the country now who refuse to recognize a legally elected government.

There is an answer for each of the questions that Charles Freeman, Jr., put before the symposium in 1999; and those answers are obvious. There is much to be done in Iraq, and it is not a mission that can be accomplished in a short period of time. One the most significant findings of the current Iraq war is that the Iraqi soldier under Saddam Hussein served under coercion, fear for their own life or fear for the lives of their families (Wong, Leonard, Koldiltz, Thomas, Millen, Raymond, and Potter, Terrence, M., 2003, p.
7). American soldiers are volunteer military, and have a high sense of commitment to America, their military branch, their fellow soldiers, and to their mission. Right now, more so than the American leaders who are attempting to use the American soldier as pawns in their political games - a very serious political game considering the loss, and what is at stake; the American soldier is still the best representative of Americans on the front line. "Sergeant Dan Lockhart of the 3rd Armory Calvary Regiment was wounded in Iraq just one month after his baby daughter was born. His wounds were so severe they thought he wouldn't survive and he was medically retired for the prospective benefit of his family... All he could talk about was how he wanted to get back on active duty. He was full of the fighting spirit that has contributed to our victory in Iraq, and I am pleased to announce that Sergeant Lockhart is now back with the Army (U.S. Department of Defense Speeches, 2003, p. 1)."


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