Universal Studios Internet Based Marketing Term Paper

Total Length: 1342 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Internet-Based Marketing Blog

Internet-based marketing is a concept that has generated considerable attention in the recent past because of the advent of the Internet, which has transformed the world through improving communications. The growth of internet-based marketing has also been influenced by the fact that advertisers are increasingly looking for ways to generate revenue through online platforms given the increase in the number of people who visit websites across the globe on a daily basis. In this quest to generate revenue by reaching more people through advertisements, companies have increasingly used the internet to market their products. Internet marketing is increasingly preferred by companies and entrepreneurs because it offers a cost-effective means for advertising products and generating more revenues as compared to traditional marketing.

An example of a company that has used internet marketing to advertise its products is Universal Studios. The use of the internet as a marketing tool and platform for this firm is fueled by the fact that the internet has made the process of marketing faster and contributed to the rapid growth of companies that have used it appropriately. Universal Studios is a company that has specifically focused on bringing unique entertainment experiences to many people across the globe for over 85 years. The success of the company throughout the years has been brought by it effective marketing strategies since it capitalizes on available opportunities to market its unique entertainment experiences to millions of people worldwide.

General Advantages of Using Internet-based Marketing Communications

The use of internet-based marketing communications is associated with various advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages of this communication platform is that it enables advertisers to reach a huge number of people at relatively cheaper costs as compared to traditional marketing (Ingram, n.d.). Secondly, internet-based marketing communications enable businesses to target specific audiences and receive instant feedback and suggestions from existing and new customers. Third, it makes the process of marketing easier and faster since businesses can easily collect information about past and current customers from distribution partners ("Internet Marketing Avenues," n.d.).

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The other advantages include enabling large scale customization, cost-effectiveness, and time saving.

The disadvantages of internet-based marketing communications include the fact that it is a relatively new concept. Secondly, these communications are prone to spam, viruses, crashes, and hackers, which enhances the risk of negative publicity and reviews. Third, marketing materials used in internet-based marketing communications are automatically and easily available to others to duplicate despite the legal consequences. Fourth, the emergence of ad clutter as a result of internet-based marketing communications has made some web users to ignore internet advertising since they consider some advertisements intrusive.

Essential Factors for Effectiveness in Marketing Communications

Since internet-based marketing has attracted huge attention in the recent past, companies need to adopt essential factors for their websites in order to be effective with regards to practices and strategies of marketing communications. These crucial factors include the need for websites to carry out robust research about customer needs when considering website development. Secondly, businesses must consider the costs because of the need to select a strategy or practice that fit their costs. Third, organizations need to obtain information regarding effective methods to create awareness and generate response from customers. The final essential factor for effectiveness is maintain simplicity of the website and providing information that is easy to understand in order to avoid information overload for consumers. Information overload is associated with negative impacts on consumers since it is difficult for them to understand.

Factors Used by Universal Studios

As part of efforts to enhance its profitability and gain competitive advantages over its competitors, Universal Studios has continued to use effective strategies and practices for marketing communications. Some of the essential factors utilized by this company with regards to marketing communications include awareness of consumer needs and maintenance of simple website. Universal Studios has utilized….....

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