United States Completely Changed My Admission Essay

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School here in the U.S. is also very different from school in the former USSR, where they taught us little of everything. Here, in the U.S. I realized that one must specialize in one academic field that one is best at. For me, this field is International Affairs.

For the past few years, my main object of academic interest consisted in International Affairs. The reason behind such interest relies on my strong desire to becoming a world-renowned diplomat. My fascination towards International Affairs has determined me to start considering a career in diplomacy years ago, as my passion towards this field is not a temporary matter.

In order to support this affirmation, I must mention the fact that I majored in International Business. However, such conventional majors proved not to be sufficient for my career needs. As a consequence, I started studying the field of International Affairs aside from conventional fields of study.

Stuck Writing Your "United States Completely Changed My" Admission Essay?

I dedicated most of my time to the field of International Affairs and to everything related to it.

I can also present a few personal experiences that are somehow related to international affairs. For example, during the little time I spent in Brazil, I encountered several situations that could be handled on international level, like children exploitation and abuse from legal forces. I can also mention several situations that took place in Russia, involving U.S. citizens and the abuses they suffered from local criminals.

As mentioned above, my experience as an immigrant provided my the ability to work with different cultures and to understand them, which is very important when working in International Affairs and diplomacy......

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