Unequal Childhoods Annette Lareau / Book Report

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What is interesting about this way of parenting is that the parents are the ones who have to go out of their way to make sure that Alexander gets to all of his appointments, rehearsals and games on time. The parents are able to do this precisely because they are in an upper-middle-class economic level. Parents such as the ones in the McAllister family would not be able to take off from work early to bring their children to piano, choir and other lessons. This, undoubtedly, gives children like Alexander an advantage when it comes to how he will be prepared for the world. Lareau (2003) states that the Williams' parenting technique "embraces the logic of concerted cultivation. They consider Alexander's many commitments an essential component in his overall development."

There are many consistencies between Lareau's theories and what she witnessed inside the homes of the families she visited. First of all, the language example, that in middle-class homes children tend to whine, negotiate, and bargain more with their parents while in lower-class homes children do not normally talk back to adults, seems to be quite true. Lareau (2003) notes that in middle-class homes there is a lot of talking that is interrupted by some silence while in lower-class homes there is a lot of silence interrupted by some speech. In Harold McAllister's home, this is exemplified.

In the McAllister home, there is also a lack of space, which means that Harold doesn't have any really clear private space (nobody does). Alexander, on the other hand, has a very clear private space that is designated just for him. Harold does not ask for things like Alexander does either as there is a constant lack of money. While both mothers of Alexander and Harold want the best for their children, there is a definite difference in how Harold's mother views her role as a mother.

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She clearly sees her most important job as making sure that Harold is physically taken care of. Lareau (2003) notes that this is more common in lower-class families. Harold's mother does not focus on language and increasing Harold's vocabulary as Alexander's mother does. While there is communication between Harold and his mother, there is not the constant need to talk through everything or elaborate on things. When Harold complains about a teacher, his mother simply listens to him. Mrs. Williams would certainly have asked Alexander to tell her exactly why he feels the way he does and what can be done about it.

The difference between the Williams and the McAllisters is all about parenting styles and techniques. There are definitely advantages of growing up in a middle-class family, some of which are finding ones talents by trying a lot of different things and being given the chance to do things that enrich one's life. Harold doesn't have the same opportunities as Alexander, obviously. He doesn't go to piano lessons, choir practice, or summer camp. But the differences in parenting are not just about what the Williams can give Harold as opposed to what the McAllisters can give Harold. The parents obviously view child-rearing differently. Alexander's parents are more interested in making sure that Alexander is able to speak his mind clearly and effectively. This is very important to them as they really emphasize language skills in their household. Harold's mother, on the other hand, has other things to worry about in her home. She trusts, as is exemplified by her natural growth parenting style, that if she keeps Harold physically well, the rest will be taken care of in school.


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