Underground Railroad Looked Both Ways. Term Paper

Total Length: 705 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The Underground Railroad was an informal network of aide and assistance for those who would escape the bondage of slavery and seek freedom. Besides the Underground Railroad made famous by American History, other such systems have offered similar services. Until all persons in the world are free, Underground Railroads will operate in order to bring freedom and liberty to all human beings.

Anyone who as read Anne Frank's diary knows that an Underground Railroad similar to the one that existed in the United States helped Jews escape Nazi horrors during World War Two. Like the many men and women who risked their lives by helping the black slaves in the antebellum South run toward freedom, conductors of the Underground Railroads in Europe risked their lives helping Jews and others who were persecuted by the Nazis. In both cases, the conductors and others who participated were putting their lives and reputations on the line. Therefore, Underground Railroad participants deserve notoriety and accolades for their bravery and compassion.

The Underground Railroad operates against the popular tide. The whole reason why the "railroad" is underground is because existing laws protect the rights of slave owners.

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In the South, slavery was legal and runaways could be legally killed if caught. Those who assisted them jeopardized their lives by assisting fugitives. Similar situations existed in Europe, when anyone who helped Jews escape death camps could be shot by Nazis.

Now that the "war on terror" rages it is possible that new types of underground railroads might need to be summoned into existence. As laws in America become increasingly strident and infringe on personal rights to privacy, many Americans might need to escape persecution. For example, many Muslim-Americans could be suspected of terrorist crimes because their names match those of wanted terrorists. Because the American government is holding suspects without trail for indefinite periods of time, Underground Railroad networks could be used to help innocent people hide from the government. New technologies: from cellular phones to computers, can greatly assist the functions of the Underground Railroad because they improve communications......

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