Ultrasonography Assisted Peripheral Line Placement. Term Paper

Total Length: 570 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In fact, I had to take the material home that night and re-read everything for the test.

The course syllabus and course did an excellent job at reflecting external factors. The technique learned was something the hospital should have implemented a decade ago. It truly made insertion of lines simpler and less traumatic for problem patients, meeting a huge societal expectation. Additionally, this was one of the first hospitals in the area to offer this service, making the hospital and nursing staff appear up-to-date and educated on the current medical trends. Finally, the course covered all of the hospital guidelines and tested on those guidelines thoroughly to ensure that all nurses understood the protocol.

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The course and syllabus failed slightly in keeping in mind the learner's needs. The reality is that most nurses are kinesthetic learners (Denig 2004). We learn new procedures by doing them. With that in mind, I would have hoped that the course had a hands-on portion during each daily training session to allow those learners a chance to better absorb the information taught. Instead, the course only had a hands on day on the last day of training that only covered the procedure as it applied to adult patients. So, while it was nice to finally practice the procedure, it felt very long overdue.


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