Twelve O'Clock High - Leadership Creative Writing

Total Length: 1827 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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This is because these people forgot or did not understand the core principals of all great leaders to include: having a sense of responsibility, self-discipline and charisma. These elements are important because the staff will often look to the leadership of any organization, for the most appropriate way to act. When they see that the leadership is being very hypocritical, they will often look at these leaders as nothing more than sell outs, who are interested only in themselves. Once this kind of perception begins to take place within an organization, it is only a matter of time until it will become like a cancer that will slowly eat away at the fabric of the entity itself. When this happens it means, that the organization will begin to experience a similar atmosphere that the 918th was going through.

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Where, the top leadership was blaming everyone for their problems and was refusing to accept responsibility for any of their actions. This caused their effectiveness to become worse, as this attitude of second best, because it is the fault of someone else becomes the norm. To avoid these kinds of situations requires: that the leadership of any organization constantly use and apply the different principals mentioned. Over the course of time, the consistent application will bring about a change in the organization. As everyone will feel that they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Once this occurs, is when the various individuals will begin exhibiting the same qualities as the leadership. At which point, it is only a matter of time until everyone is going to go the extra mile to benefit the organization......

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