TV on Children While the Research Proposal

Total Length: 802 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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Children (boys especially) are predisposed to watching scenes of violence for long periods of time without feeling the need to change the program. Consequent to this, they are expected to display antisocial behavior.

Cartoons are essential in influencing children, given the fact that most seem innocent to most parents, thus preventing them from wanting to change the channel. Studies have shown that cartoons have a more negative influence on children in comparison to violence seen directly on TV. While cartoons do not necessarily influence a violent behavior in children, they are apparently responsible for children having a decreased capacity to create neurotic connections.

Advertising is yet anther domain which catches children of guard, taking into consideration that they are less capable of ignoring advertisements.
When they are specially made for children, advertisements have an even greater influence, as they can affect their "beliefs, values, and moral norms" (Moniek Buijzen, Patti M. Valkenburg, 2000). Children are practically defenseless in front of advertising, which can easily trick them into falsely believing that they want something and that respective object is good for them.

According to certain studies, a large number of children presently spend more time watching TV than they spend at school. TV can induce biased thinking in children and by the time they reach adulthood the influence of TV will be obvious in their judgment.


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