Trust Issues in Relationships Term Paper

Total Length: 332 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

Sex Partners

L. Jones

Trust Issues and Sex Partners

When one enters into a sexual relationship with a partner, there are particular trust issues that typically come into play. These may include issues of sexual health and disclosure, issues of confidentiality and mutual respect, and even issues of fidelity or commitment.

In my life as a person currently in a committed relationship of some years, I have dealt with all of the above. Further, I have found through experience that the failure of any of these three key aspects of trust can cause significant strain on the relationship, and even cause it to eventually fail.

Of course, foremost in the area of trust between two sexual partners is the issue of personally safety.
In my experience, if I don't feel that I can trust both the intentions of the person I am with regarding his or her levels of responsibility and honesty regarding their sexual health (especially regarding their past practice or non-practice of safe-sex), then….....

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