Tre Semme III Positioning Strategy Research Paper

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For Tresemme, for example, the color scheme and general layout of the package is consistent with other Tresemme products and is not specific to the dry shampoo product.

Packaging -- Recommended

Given that the pricing need not change, the package size does not need to change either. The layout and color tone are dictated by the overall branding of Tresemme so are going to be difficult to change. Two aspects of the packaging can change, however. The first is the shape of the package, which should be changed to convey to the consumers that this is a different product from Fresh Start. The second is that the package should have a different name (not Fresh Start) and should impress upon the consumer that it is a new product. The new selling proposition "unique" should also be incorporated into the text of the packaging.

Target Market -- Recommendations

It is recommended that the company keep the target market strategy intact. There are two reasons for this. The first is that the current target market for Tresemme, teenaged girls, is brand-wide.

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The dry shampoo should work within the constraint of the overall brand, as per the underlying logic of brand extensions. If another market is to be targeted by Unilever, it should do so with another brand. The second reason why the target market strategy should remain intact is that this is a good target market for dry shampoo. This market purchases the product, and is the target market for several brands within the space. One of the major issues with the current product is the product quality, and resolving that does not necessitate a change in target market. Likewise, because this target market still holds promise, the best approach is to simply find a message to which this market is more receptive than to seek out another market, especially one that might not be as receptive to the Tresemme brand in general.


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