Trace the Development of Law Essay

Total Length: 1643 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Royal Magistrate courts were installed because of Henry II, making it easier for justice to be done, as local disputes no longer had to be arbitrated by the Crown. The English law system was antiquated during Henry's reign, given that people settled their disputes through trial by ordeal or through trial by combat. The King was supportive toward a system that would employ several individuals forming a jury meant to decide whether a particular individual was guilty or not.

Members of the church were advantaged during the early years of Henry II's reign, since they did not have to subject to the same laws applied to normal individuals.
Being aware of this injustice, Henry set out several laws which were meant to limit the church's influence and to make the law equally applicable for everyone (Sherman & Salisbury, 258). In spite of his strength of mind, he experienced little success in fighting against the illegalities committed by the church. Even with that, he paved the road to the English Reformation.


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