Are We Too Dependent on Computers? Term Paper

Total Length: 1124 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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statistics and analyzing why this happening. Once this occurs, is when we will offer insights that will help everyone to see the role that computers are playing in the real world.

Over the last 70 years, computers have become a vital part of daily life. The reason why, is because these machines have been shown to be effective in dealing with a host of challenges regarding: the storage, retrieval and mathematical calculations of different pieces of data. This has reduced the amounts of space that are used to store this information on paper and it has increased productivity. Once this took place, is when this tool began to improve an organizations ability to compete in global markets.

Then, in the 1970's is when shift took place with private individuals wanting to become involved in various aspects of computers. This led to the development of the personal computer (PC) and the creation of a universal operating system that improved the ability of these machines to communicate with each other. Once this occurred, is when there was a long-term shift, with computers playing a central role in everyone's lives. As a result, the use computers have become an essential part of what society needs to communicate and stay informed.

Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than the below table which is illustrating the total amount of computer ownership in households based upon the age demographics.

Computer Ownership in U.S. Households (in millions)


Total Number of Households

Under 25-year-old


25 -- 34


35 -- 44




55 and over




("Computer and Internet Usage," 2009)

These different figures are illustrating how the majority of American households are using computers to be entertained and stay informed.

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This is significant, because it is showing how PC's have become a major part of everyone's lives. To fully understand this, we will look at: the role that they are playing in society, the way business is conducted and how different organizations are reaching out to stakeholders. Once this occurs, is when we can be able to determine if society has become too dependent upon computers.

The Use of Computers by Consumers

Since the mid-1990's there has been a shift in consumer psychology. What is happening is technology has advanced to the point that many machines are: smaller, more powerful and cheaper. These factors allowed the general public to afford purchasing a host of personal computers. As time has gone by the speed, memory and capabilities of these devices have become more advanced. This has allowed the consumers to be able to use their computers for entertainment, shopping and to stay informed. Over the course of time, this has created situation where larger numbers of households are spending longer hours on their computers. A good example of this can be seen by looking at the below table for household Internet usage.

Household Internet Usage (in millions)




Under 25-year-old



25 -- 34



35 -- 44



45 -- 54



55 and over






("Computer and Internet Usage," 2009)

These figures are important, because they are showing how the majority of households have Internet access available. This is changing the way that most people are living their lives, with computers and the Internet.....

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