Tony Blair's Speech on July Term Paper

Total Length: 681 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Blair argued in his speech that the difficulties the world faces with the specter of terrorism is unprecedented, and that removing the Taliban and Saddam Hussein were not imperialistic acts but acts of liberation for the people of Afghanistan and Iraq (Windschuttle, 2003). While those people were liberated in that they are no longer ruled by the Taliban or Saddam Hussein, such forced liberation does remind some writers of the imperialistic actions of major powers in the 19th century (Windschuttle, 2003). But in addition, some of the imperialistic wars might tell us something about the nature of the terrorist foes we face. In 1898, 20,000 British troops faced 52,000 Sudanese Muslims. While the British were outmanned, they had superior firepower and gun ships on the river ready to face the Sudanese attack. The results of this battle tell us something about the soldiers who attacked the British army that day. The British lost 48 dead and 400 wounded.
The Sudanese Muslim Dervishes had a casualty rate of 95%. Winston Churchiill, then 23 years old and a newspaper reporter, saw the Dervishes charge, chanting "There is one God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God." In spite of the fact that their army was decimated, the Sudanese kept coming and coming until there were no more fighters left to charge (Windschuttle, 2003).

Both those who talk about world safety and those who talk about imperialism may be missing the point. Until we have a way to fight against misguided religious zeal from groups without political borders, fighting identified countries may only embolden our attackers. We do not yet know whether Blair was correct to say that the sacrifices of the soldiers fighting in Iraq will result in greater peace, prosperity and hope or something else entirely......

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