Thomas Jefferson's Views on Slavery and Religion Essay

Total Length: 668 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery and religion according to this article provided

When it comes to the views of slavery and religion Thomas Jefferson, thinks differently from the rest of contemporary society. This is because he believes that both of these issues are intertwined. As, the two of them are about: the larger struggle for equality and respect of the rights of the individual. These elements are important, because they are showing how both of them are: a reflection of Thomas Jefferson's ideas and the arguments that were presented during the American independence movement.

The views on slavery

Thomas Jefferson believed that slavery was wrong. This is because he felt that the basic ideas went against the laws of God and nature. As, all humans have the fundamental right to determine their own destiny and to be free from any kind of discrimination against them (based upon their underlying racial group). Evidence of this can be seen with Jefferson observing, "A black, after hard labor throughout the day, will be induced by the slightest amusements to sit up until midnight or later through knowing that he must be out with the first dawn of the morning.

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They are at least brave and more adventuresome." This is significant, because it is showing how the Jefferson believes that slaves are enduring the most hardships. While at the same time, they are seeking out some of form of entertainment to deal with these realities (which is underscoring their desire to be free). Once this occurs, is when it becomes clear that he believes that slavery should be abolished based upon the tremendous amounts of injustice that are occurring. ("Racism and Religion," n.d., pp. 257 -- 261)

Jefferson's Views of Religion

In the case of religion, Jefferson believes that everyone is entitled to choose their own. As they should be able to determine for themselves, what doctrine makes the most sense from them. However despite this belief, one of the problems that Jefferson will encounter is….....

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