Third Side Evaluating the Third Essay

Total Length: 340 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

In an environment such as this when two or three people are involved, it is relatively easy for a third person, or for the people involved, to understand each person's side and negotiate a solution that meets everyone's needs. For the family, this type of negotiation will most likely encourage better relationships, as family members are encouraged to look beyond themselves and their interests. In business relationships, this type of negotiate will help business people understand each other better, encouraging more responsible business relationships.
Taking this type of conflict resolution strategy to the national realm, however, will raise problems. Although it is certainly a fresh way of looking at international conflict, more than two sides exist to most international conflict. The third side conflict resolution user will find it difficult to understand the complexities of each side, especially with the cultural boundaries. Although this type of conflict resolution could be used in theory, it may need some amendments before it can be applied to the….....

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