Theory on Work and Management Essay

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Work and Management

AND Management

The objective of this study is to compare House's Path-Goal theory of leadership with the Situational Leadership model. This study will make provision of an example or application of the two theories utilizing the writer's work situation.

This study will describe the leadership styled utilized by the writer's boss or other CEO or high level personnel in the work organization. For part two of this study examined is how causes of conflict can be found in the organizational and personal characteristics of those involved in the conflict.

This study will answer as to the similar organizational and personal factors and provide examples using the organization the writer is most familiar with.

For part three of this study, Chapter 17 on Career Management will be examined and the following questions answered: (1) What aspects of9 the New vs. Old Career Paradigms can you relate to your work place or any organization you are most familiar with.; (2) Based on Holland's Typology, which occupational typology match your personality as per your MBTI (Myers Briggs); and (3) Identify factors that contribute to a successful career. How can you relate these factors to success in your own career stage and your manager's or supervisor's career stage.

Finally, part four of this study will provide a brief description of the writer's job duties and responsibilities and identify the core job dimensions of the Job Characteristics Model. Describe how each of the core job dimensions is present in your job. If your job is lacking in any of the core job dimensions, what do you need to do to your job to have or possess all the core job dimensions?

I. Path-Goal Leadership Model vs. Situational Leadership Model

The path-goal leadership model was developed by Robert House, a professor for Wharton. This theory of leadership is reported to suggest that "leadership style affects the job satisfaction and performance of employees." (Basu, 2014, p. 1) This leadership model is such that involves the leadership overcoming obstacles and providing motivation to employees in the form of incentives. These leaders are reported to set goals that are achievable and then provide a path that is clear to assist employees in meeting the goals which have been set. This theory holds that leaders should provide support and instill confidence in those whom are being led and that leadership should be "instructive when the job is ambiguous and demanding and when "there is a lack of motivation in meeting deadlines.
" (Basu, 2014, p. 1) This model of leadership is such that involves leaders consulting with employees on a regular basis in including the employees in making important decisions.

The situational leadership model is characterized by specifying suggestions on the manner in which leaders should adapt to various situations through prioritization of tasks as well as assessing the skills and motivation of employees. Finally situational leadership involves making a decision on the type of leadership style that is situationally appropriate whether that be "directing, coaching, supporting or observing…." ( Basu, 2014, p. 1)

II. Leadership Style Utilized by Company CEO

The leadership style utilized by the CEO of the company employing the writer of this work is one that is transformational. The transformational leadership style involves direct interaction with employees providing them with motivation and acknowledging a job well done. Positive input is given rather than negative input in order to motivate employees. As well, support is given when needed and flexibility is a characteristic of transformational leadership. Transformational leadership assists the employee in realizing their own personal goals and provides support in meeting those goals. Transformational leadership is a leadership model that leads by example and one that builds character in those whom are being led.

III. Causes of Personal and Organizational Conflict Compared

Organizational and personal conflicts in the workplace have common factors in that both organizational and personal conflict arises from various assignations of importance to various aspects of the employees' work of organizationally related activities and the same is true of different values assigned to the employee's personal life. Both can result in workplace conflict. Whereas one employee is punctual and efficient another employee may not assign as much important to deadlines but is more thorough producing a better end-result….....

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