Theoretical Perspectives to Human Behavior Essay

Total Length: 843 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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As the individual will assume that this kind of behavior is appropriate given their ancestry and the way the reacted to different stimuli. (Plomin, 2008)

Moreover, many individuals will have select attributes that are passed down from previous generations. This will determine if the person is susceptible to certain mental conditions (i.e. schizophrenia and depression). These factors will play an important part in deciding biochemical and genetic causes affecting the behavior of the individual. (Plomin, 2008)

These ideas can explain human behavior by focusing on how genetic and biological elements are influencing the way someone reacts to various stimuli. This is compared with others in their family to understand the issues impacting them. When this happens, there is an emphasis on past challenges that influenced these relatives and how this is shaping the person. (Plomin, 2008)

Behavioral neuroscience is focusing on specific genetic factors which can be incorporated in understanding the influence of psychology on an individual. This is when there is a study of the different genetic and biological characteristics in conjunction with their impact on thought patterns. When this happens, mental health professionals will look at how this is shaping the way that someone reacts to various events.

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This can influence human behavior to provide greater amounts of clarity surrounding: individual beliefs and genetic characteristics on the person. (Carlson, 2010)

Which Perspective is Most Valid?

The most valid perspective is the behavioral neuroscience approach. This is because it is taking the ideas of psychology and behavioral genetics to create a clearer understanding of human behavior. When this happens, mental health professionals will look at how biology, family history and thought patterns can create a foundation that will influence personality. (Carlson, 2010)

This can then be augmented with basic psychology, to understand how these beliefs and stimuli are affecting the individual. Once this takes place, is the point that psychologists can address the root causes of the problem and create lasting changes in the person's mind. This will provide more effective treatment options and it will ensure that the individual receives customizable solutions in addressing their challenges. In the future, this can transform how they will look at themselves and their role in the world. This will lead to drastic transformations in who they think they are and their reactions to various events. (Carlson, 2010).....

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