Tensions and Dilemmas We Often Thesis

Total Length: 408 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Undergraduates are a school's core source of revenue, while departments may feel more strongly about the needs of their graduate students, given that they may have closer relationships with graduate students, and these students act as assistants in their courses.

Part 2: How does shared governance impact decision making at an institution of higher education? Discuss this within the context of what you know regarding governance, organized anarchy, bicameral institutions, and dualism of control.

Even the United States has a bicameral legislature in the form of the U.S. House of Representative and the Senate.
The Constitution maintains a balance of power between the different branches of government. This often creates an impasse, or organized anarchy, when there are different parties in control of the legislative bodies, or the legislature and the executive branch in a dualistic system of control. As university decision-making bodies encompass a wide array of different interest groups, from administrators, to students, to faculty, to alumni, as well as undergraduate and graduate schools that may be at war for funding and support, it would seem that impasses are more likely than change......

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