Television Commercials Emotional, Logical and Essay

Total Length: 713 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The lizard is improbably likeable, with his enormous bright eyes and Cockney accent. The commercials are effective, in part, because they ask us to suspend belief. The lizard is the foil for whatever human character appears. The human does something silly or illogical and the lizard is the voice of reason. The situations are bizarre, which is what makes them funny. Geico is smart to change the commercials frequently. Just about the time the viewer tires of one, there is a new commercial starring the lizard in a fresh situation. As soon as the Geico logo appears on the television screen, the viewer is primed with anticipation for what the lizard will say and do next.

In each of these cases, the basis for appeal is appropriate to the product. Apple wants to appeal to our emotions while maintaining a serious tone. The iPad is supposed to be seen as a unique tool that can be used by many people in different ways. It is not a toy, although there are uses that will entertain and amuse iPad users.

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It is a pricey piece of technology, but Apple justifies the price by appealing to the intelligent consumer who is willing to spend the money for all the iPad can do.

People buy cars for emotional reasons, even though they often like to think their reasons are purely logical. Toyota strikes a good balance by appealing to emotions while giving solid reasons supporting the choice of a Prius Harmony.

The use of the Geico lizard is interesting because the scenarios in which he finds himself have nothing to do with either insurance or automobiles. Yet the commercials catch our attention, make us smile, and have made Geico an instantly recognizable brand. The good feelings viewers get when they see the lizard translates, the company hopes, into good feelings about its products. Television commercials consistently rely on emotions to persuade us.


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