Telecommunications Issues in Telecommunications Networks Essay

Total Length: 1060 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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There are many different methods for creating and utilizing such systems, and one large set or class of such approaches has been labeled the Systems Development Lifecycle Approach. In this perspective, systems or projects are seen as being continuous processes made up of constituent parts, each one of which feeds into the next. There are many different ways to view or arrange separate system elements or project phases within the larger Systems Development Lifecycle Approach, but regardless of which specific system perspective is utilized the basic structure remains the same: one part of a system or project must be competed and the output utilized further along, possibly in a cyclical relationship and sometimes in a more linear fashion (Kay, 2002; Radack, 2012). Using this approach in large corporations is now quite commonplace.

In order to begin the standardized use of a Systems Development Lifecycle Approach within a multinational organization, there would first need to be an intense educational program within the organization. The importance of utilizing such a system and achieving organizational consistency in its use should be made clear to all relevant organizational members, and this importance is difficult to overstate. As this approach has implications for security, efficiency, and operations, deviance can cause significant problems (Raback, 2012; Kay, 2002).

Once the overall importance of the Systems Lifecycle Development Approach has been established through the educational initiative, examples of its use should be given using real projects in the company.

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That is, the individuals involved in these projects should need to create and utilize work breakdowns based on the identified approach and guided as necessary b those already familiar with the system. This will enable the practice and the necessary knowledge to become embedded in the company from the bottom up, beginning with smaller projects and eventually being applied to larger and more complex undertakings at the company. Different specific approaches within the larger set of Systems Lifecycle Development Approach can also be incorporated into the learning that takes place in the organization as the overall approach becomes more familiar, enhancing the usefulness and the degree of complexity that this perspective can be applied to (Kay, 2002).

Like any project, the transition to the use of a Systems Development Lifecycle Approach must be undertaken in phases, and proper controls must be utilized in each of these phases in order to properly control the overall outcome. With proper education and development, the implementation and standardization of such a perspective and organizational approach can lead to a significant enhancement in the efficiency and the general capabilities of the organization and its members through the use of more comprehensive and detailed analyses of project needs. This can only lead to more effective growth for the business......

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