Teddy Bear Film Analysis Pitch Essay

Total Length: 1748 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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One of the eyes is cracked.

The last room Karen checks is the kitchen. She is still holding and petting the teddy bear when she stops in front of the sink. She stares at the spot on the counter where the teddy bear had landed that time that Mark threw it across the room. The camera is behind Karen but as she turns around, it focuses on the back of the teddy bear and on the stain left by the spaghetti sauce.

Karen carries a box to the curb and places it next to all the others. As she drops it, the teddy bear bounces out of the top and falls to the ground. She doesn't notice. The camera shot becomes a retrospective of various scenes of Karen crying to the teddy bear and of Mark throwing it across the room. The scene shifts a last time to the sanitation worker holding the teddy bear. He walks over to the front of his truck where he already has another old teddy bear tight to the front grill of the cab.
He holds Karen's old teddy bear up next to the older stuffed animal and looks at them next to one another as though he is deciding which one to keep. Then he notices the reddish-orange stain on the back of Karen's teddy bear and he tosses it back into the box. It bounces off the edge and lands face-down on the street again. He….....

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"Teddy Bear Film Analysis Pitch", 05 May 2010, Accessed.3 July. 2024,