Team Is a Small Collaborated Group of Term Paper

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team is a small collaborated group of people working actively together and combining their complementary skills to achieve common goals. The researcher of this study has participated in a team project, and the study discusses description of the team, and number of people in the team.

Description of the Team

The researcher of the study has participated in several team projects, and one of important team projects that the researcher has participated is a team formulated to prepare a proposal to find a solution to the cleaning of British Petroleum (BP) oil spill of 2010 in the United States. In 2010, there was an oil spill in the United States and the spill caused damages to some states in the United States. Researcher's organization is a Management Consultancy, and the organization formed a team to prepare a proposal on the cost-effective effective method for the cleaning of BP oil spill. The member of the team consisted of five people with different educational background. Two members of the team have Masters Degree in mechanical engineering. There was one person in the group with a Master in Geology. The leader of the team has a Master in Industrial Chemistry and as a member of the team; the researcher also has a Master degree in a relevant discipline.

The team member started to test their ideas by implementing fair amount of discussion. During the discussion, there was a health opposition that manifested; however, the team interacted independently to resolve the conflicts that manifested. However, there were behaviors manifested with the team during the storming stage. (Sans Institute 2009).

Team Behavior

During the storming stage, there were team behaviors manifested, and some of the team behavior was constructive in nature. A report by University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007) reveals that team behaviour could affect the team development and performances.

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Meanwhile, the team leader made all the efforts to ensure that the team reached the target goals. Some of the team behaviors manifested were as follows:

Cooperative: Member of the team manifested the cooperative behaviour. Each member of the team was interested in the perspective and the view of the others. Typically, the behavior of the team was natural because they were trying to analyze the competence of the others in achieving the team objectives. (Quick 1992),

Clarifying: Part of the team behaviour was that each member of the team tried to clearly define the issues, and the group member tried to listen to the other and focused on the discussion.

Inspiring: Member of the grouped also encouraged the other to participate in the progress of the group.

Harmonizing: There was also an encouragement of group cohesion and teamwork from the team leader to ensure that all member of the team participate effectively.

Process Checking: Part of the team behavior was the process issues where the team member discussed topics and make decisions about the issues relating to the team agenda. (University of Wisconsin-Madison 2007).

Despite the constructive behaviors that the team manifested, there was a problem that the group encountered.

Description of the a problem encountered

One of the problems manifested in the team was a group conflict. The group conflict arisen because one member of the team was trying to dominate the opinion of the group. This member was trying to express self view and believed that his view was more superior to the view of the other member of the group. Dominating view of one of the member of the group generated conflict within the….....

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