Tactical Intelligence Involves the Ability to Determine Essay

Total Length: 1010 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Tactical intelligence involves the ability to determine the actions of the opposition in terms of the mission to be accomplished. The opposition might, for example, take action to prevent the mission from being accomplished, or neglect certain actions for the same purpose. Tactical intelligence reveals or anticipates these actions, which then enables the leaders of the mission to take appropriate measures to promote the mission in question. In the military, tactical intelligence means that operatives analyze the data available and make the best possible decisions based upon the information that arrives. It is important to recognize that the effectiveness of such decision making is much enhanced by means of practical field experience. This is also an important component of training and communication. While doctoral documents are certainly important in terms of divulging the theoretical basis of operations, the dramatic communication of narratives such as OPERATION VERBAL IMAGE demonstrates in a very practical way the importance of flexibility in tactical operations.

One element that is apparent in the dramatic narrative, as opposed to the doctoral document, is the dichotomy between immediate environment and distant command center. The narrative is striking for its ability to provide a more immediate vision of the challenges that leaders and soldiers face in the field, which are not immediately apparent to the tactical operations center. In the narrative, there are several examples of this. The platoon on the ground, for example, is faced with environmental obstacles such as undergrowth and bushes, while the command center only has a map of the environment.

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Hence, a different tactical point of approach is immediately apparent in the practical environment than in the command center. Also, enemy movement is unpredictable, as demonstrated by Knutzen's observation from the helicopter. The technology was unable to divulge the data, but those in the immediate environment were able to observe it in a practical and immediate way. Often, these concerns require decision-making that is beyond or against the accepted protocol. The practical and critical reasoning behind such decisions are is more apparent in the dramatic narrative than the doctoral document.

Sommer (n.d.) distinguishes between operational intelligence and tactical intelligence, where the former refers to the practical situation in the field, such as terrain, weather, and the enemy situation. Practical narratives such as the VERBAL IMAGE story provide a sense of importance for this component of intelligence training. Theoretical, doctoral documents, in turn, provide knowledge in terms of tactical intelligence, which can be used as a basis for entering the battlefield situation. The two, in other words, provide a complementary body of knowledge that soldiers can use to help achieve optimal results in the practical situation.

Having said that, however, the effectiveness of the dramatic narrative is particularly inherent in its ability to engage the reader emotionally. The reponses of the characters in the VERBAL IMAGE story are often highly emotional, relating to the frustrations, misunderstandings, and miscommunication among the various types of personnel. This makes it both entertaining and practically applicable to trainees. The descriptions and events of the….....

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