Symbolism in the Fall of Essay

Total Length: 1599 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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We see the creative mind at work in "The Fall of the House of Usher" as Poe creates a parallel between the house and Roderick. The suspense with this thriller is heightened with the fact that the narrator is inches from the same fate as Roderick. There is undeniable connection between the two that is never fully disclosed. The narrator looks for logical ways to explain what occurs in the home and he also wishes to find out the reason behind Roderick's agitation. Interestingly, Roderick believes the house is the source of all of his tension, yet he rarely leaves the house. The image of the house sinking dramatizes Roderick's sinking state of mind. In essence, both are experiencing a type of split.
The house is sitting upon an unstable foundation and Roderick does not attempt to fool anyone by denying he suffers from a mental disorder that shakes his foundation. The house becomes a physical manifestation of what is occurring in Roderick's life. Poe's success lies in his ability to make the unreal seem real and he achieves this with a creepy tale about a house that invades its owner's mind and soul. With such characters, Poe also demonstrates the absolute fragility of man.


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