Swayed by Polls or Public Opinion, the Term Paper

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swayed by polls or public opinion, the special interest group lobbyist is more able to remain focused on a specific cause than a politician and I would therefore prefer to work for a special interest group. Even the most ethical and noble of politicians must take into account the will of the people if he or she is to effectively and successfully serve. Unlike a good politician, a lobbyist need not listen intently to public opinion but only to the voice of personal conscience. Like politicians, lobbyists must be stellar communicators and willing compromisers. But whereas a politician may deal with a variety of pertinent issues that range from health care to education, the lobbyist can remain locked into a specific cause.

To devote a lifetime to a political or social cause and witness the subsequent progress made in public policy must be every bit as rewarding as a post in public office.

This determination and focus required and expected of a lobbyist makes the task more attractive for someone who, like me, tends to be a perfectionist.

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While they share certain traits, politicians and lobbyists differ in their aims. A politician, to preserve his or her career, must address a multitude of issues and please the masses. A lobbyist, on the other hand, may hone in on singular issues without regard to the electorate.

This does not entail complete disregard for public opinion, but rather indicates greater attention paid to the special interest itself. For example, if I am interested in environmental issues, I will maintain my stance against drilling in Alaska regardless of polls. Because supportive individuals and corporations fund my special interest group, I don't have to worry about pleasing individual voters.

Politicians, on the other hand, need to scrutinize polling information and perhaps change their stance on issues like the environment.

A good lobbyist, like a….....

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