Sustainable Career Today's World, As Essay

Total Length: 1674 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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My future career will definitely depend on what are of the world I would like to dedicate my services towards. Traveling appears to be a worthwhile approach to figuring this out. Exploring the local places and other areas around the world will most likely inspire me to a sustainability problem that my skills would best apply to.

The next step in achieving the goals of my plan requires me to network and learn from others who have already successfully achieved this objective. It is very simple to connect with people due to the technological advances in recent years giving me no excuse not to be able to find others who can give me practical advice in the matter. Learning from others is very important in this entire process and understanding that I can learn something from everyone I meet, every day, will help me realize opportunities that I currently am not aware of.

Lastly, I must continue to improve and taking small steps towards my goals and objectives.
Confusion and doubt will creep in at times and it is important for me not to become discouraged. Keeping a strong faith in myself and my abilities will help provide me with some reliance and toughness that can help me overcome my temporary shortcomings and failures.

By approaching my life in a sustainable matter, will reflect in my environment in a similar nature. Remembering that I am in control of my own sustenance will set an example for others to follow and simultaneously contribute to my objectives. Improving myself and keeping a good attitude will help me achieve these goals and make this world and my world a better place to live in......

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