Supervisory Experience Social Service Setting Thesis

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She was not afraid to share personal experiences, within levels of appropriate professional conduct. For example, when one Hispanic family with a son with a visual impairment expressed their frustration with dealing with their son's doctors, she took a special interest in their case. She referred them to appropriate agencies that could provide them with resources to deal with their son's condition and she also stressed the need to be an advocate within the school and medical systems. Ask questions, don't be afraid to repeat something if it isn't clear -- don't be ashamed if your English is not perfect, she counseled. She was sensitive enough to suggest when Hispanic families might need a translator, when dealing with legal or school administrators, if she knew that she or another Spanish-speaker would not be present during a meeting.


Even for the supervisor I shadowed cultural barriers, such as cultural beliefs that denied physical or emotional complaints could be difficult to overcome. Also, there was often a resistance amongst Hispanic families in particular in applying to the authorities for help, out of fear of being treated with prejudice, as failures, or as illegal. Overall, I would say the greatest strength of this supervisor was her sensitivity to the concerns of the clients, 80% of whom were Hispanic. Many of these individuals seemed to have had bad experiences with the authorities previously, and she was able to put a positive face upon what often seems faceless, the social services of the U.S. government.

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This lack of trust often seemed to be a motivating factor for families of Hispanic origin not seeking out extra help, but because of the type of cultural as well as practical advice and knowledge she was able to give, this seemed to change, even over the course of a single interview.

Many of the individuals being interviewed or advised for the first time were initially leery of my presence. However, those who trusted her accepted my presence without questioning, indicating the level of trust and good will she had established with her clients. I also observed the confidence and trust shown by the individuals she oversaw 'in the field.' On a personal level, shadowing her was an inspiring indication of how personal experience can be deployed in an unforced fashion to create bonds in a meaningful and constructive way so that clients are more fully confident to deal with the challenges of having a child with special needs in their family. This caseworker was also able to take the approach of healing 'the whole family.' She often suggested enriching afterschool programs for children not directly under her supervision, but still within the challenged child's family, and suggested additional educational and vocational support services that might be helpful for the parents of the child's family......

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