Sucromate Being a Cattle Breeder, Research Paper

Total Length: 1270 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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There is proper way of using Sucromates. Firstly, we need to shake it well before use. One dose accounts for 1 ml of Sucromate, which is to be injected 48 hours before desired ovulation. Sucromate Equine is a suspension of deslorelin and so with the passage of time it will settle down (Equine, pg. 9). Therefore, for this we need to warm the product for atleast 2 minutes so that it can reach room temperature. Warming is done by rolling the vial between two palms. We should at least wait for 30 more minutes by keeping the vial at room temperature. After this, we need to shake the vial forcefully one minute before use. Then we inject 1 ml of the vial in the neck through an intra-muscular injection.

Sucromate has proven to be quite effective as it advances the ovulation process in the mares within 48 hours after the dosage is given. This result has been achieved in 90% of the cases where mares were given the same treatment. After this mare, ovaries were examined with the help of rectal palpation and with the help of ultra sound every day once the dose is given. The time to ovulation was calculated once the Sucromate Equine administration began to day of ovulation. Treatment based on ovulation was determined by the presence of a bright echogenic structure at the location.

The percentage of mares that became pregnant after the treatment and after breeding were also assessed and compared. Fertility was checked with the help of ultrasound, which took place on the 18th and the 50th day after the breeding. Apart from the number of estrus cycles that were required to become pregnant were also recorded.

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Areas where the dosage was injected was also investigated for signs of swelling, sensitivity to touch elevation of skin temperature daily for the first seven days and then at 14th and the 21st day after the treatment.

Effectiveness was to be measured on the number of mares that were ovulating within 48 hours once the treatment was given to them and the average time required for ovulation after the treatment. The results were positive. The percentage of mares that ovulated within 48 hours was approximately 92%. The safety results were also positive. No sensitivity to touch or increase in skin temperature was found on the injected site (Enquine, pg. 9). However, slight swelling was observed. Other than that, no other adverse effects were seen during the study treatment period.

The overall results were quite positive and with a single 1.0ml, injection of Sucromate resulted in ovulation within 48 hours. There were clinically no differences during physical examination before and after the treatment. However, it should be kept in mind that the horses, on which severe swelling occurs, should not be injected with SucroMate.

It can be safely concluded that this data satisfies the requirement of Federal food drug and Cosmetic act. This product was produced after a detailed research and experiments and the results were satisfactory. It also shows that if Sucromate Equine is used according to the guidelines provided on the label of the bottle it will result in ovulation within 48 hours of treatment for follicle size between 30 and 40 mm in diameter. The aftermaths of this treatment has also proven to be safe and effective. Therefore, the use of this product seems to be reasonable because the available data.....

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