Student's Position / Answer Question. It - Thesis

Total Length: 671 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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student's position / answer question. It - (3-5) complete sentences, including thesis statement essay. The, , fourth paragraphs body paragraphs.

The evolution of slavery before and during the Civil War

There was initially much controversy regarding the Civil War, as people had trouble whether it was precisely meant to end slavery or if it was meant to ensure that Northern states could extend their authority to the south. However, the battle of Antietam provided Northerners with the opportunity to observe that they could emphasize the conflict's role as a tool that would put an end to slavery. People both in the north and in the south of the Union were well-acquainted with the fact that slavery was wrong, but the fact that the industry generated large profits prevented most them from getting actively involved in fighting the concept until the start of the Civil War. Northern states realized that a growth in the number of slave states as a result of the fact that new states appeared in the west would have had terrible consequences when considering Congress and thus started the Civil War in an attempt to control matters in the South.

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While it is difficult to determine the exact reasons why the Civil War started (most opinions point toward a situation where Northerners could not risk having the country controlled by Southerners), it is certain that it eventually came to be a fight about slavery. "The Civil War began as a bitter dispute over Union and States' Rights. It ended as a struggle over the meaning of freedom in America" (Wade 4). African-Americans represented an important workforce in the South during the war and an important element in Southern economy in general. As a consequence, Northerners started to focus on destabilizing conditions in the South by encouraging African-Americans to refrain from assisting their masters. Many slaves ran away when they realized that they were actually provided with the opportunity to be free.

It is actually impressive that slavery is the first….....

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