Stroke Advocacy for Women Strokes Research Paper

Total Length: 675 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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The general exception to that rule is that women are likely to see gynecologists/obstetricians. The fact that certain strains of HPV may be linked to stroke makes this connection an even more critical one, since ob/gyns are the doctors most likely to provide HPV screening and treatment. Moreover, women are likely to visit pediatricians for child healthcare. Therefore, the health initiative that should be instituted is that ob/gyns should be involved in stroke symptom screening and education with every patient at every visit. Furthermore, pediatricians should engage in screening and education for parents, because maternal health is a critical component of child health.

The desired sponsor for this advocacy program would be the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Offices on Women's Health. It could partner with national organizations such as the National Stroke Association, the American Heart Association, the Women's Heart Association, and even Planned Parenthood, since Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's largest providers of free or low-cost healthcare for women.

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They would create a simple stroke risk screening form for women who come into their offices and for use in pediatrician's offices, along with an educational pamphlet and fact bullets for doctor's to use during treatment. It takes less than a minute for a doctor to tell a patient the major warning signs of stroke and female-specific stroke symptoms, as well as to tell her to call [HIDDEN] immediately if a stroke is suspected. Giving the patient written materials to back-up the doctor's information will allow time for greater information. The purpose of this initiative is to create greater awareness in the community, not to provide all information and services necessary for stroke prevention and early intervention......

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